Withdraw or deposit using your feature or smart phone.

Interoperable App for Mobile Money Agents.

Facilitate withdrawal & deposit of cash by mobile money, banks & RePay wallet users across Sub-Saharan Africa without worrying about your float or currency exchange.

Download RePay Agent

50K Agents across 7 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa


Facilitate withdrawals for RePay wallet users, partner banks & mobile money providers.

Facilitate cash deposits for RePay Wallet users, partner banks & mobile money providers.

Facilitate bill payments for clients e.g Government services, water, electricity etc.

RePay Agent is Different!
Agent device

Bank, MoMo or Wallet?

RePay agents  get a smart device that is internet enabled that runs our Agent app. 

RePay Agent devices allow agents to facilitate cash in & out at the convenience of their businesses. 

Your business earns  a commission on every transaction & access to float loan facility, thus you never runout of float.

Cash Deposit

Easily & conveniently.

RePay Agent makes deposit easy, through our Agent AI & ML KYC tool. We limit & mitigate fraud & money laundering.

Cash Withdrawals

Hassle Free.

RePay Agent app helps our agents to manage all their transactions. 

Agents don’t need to have a backup transactional book  to keep records of all transactions done over a particular period.

 Our AI balances your account & customer accounts after every transaction.

Customer Identity.

Our agent app will display customer ID upon withdrawal for confirmation purposes and thus they don't need to carry their ID or Passport with them.

Customer Picture.

Upon withdrawal at any of our agents, the RePay agent app will display the picture of the person withdrawing cash for our agents to confirm identity.